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  Push docker image to remote AWS ECR

With the popularity of distributed and large-scale systems, there are more and more adoptions of cloud services. One of the most popular container in the market is Docker and one of the most popular cloud service provider is AWS. From development perspective, there is frequent need to push local docker image to remote ECR for debugging or testing purpose. Normally when a code change is done and the committed change would go through a series of process like code review, push to remote repo, merge...

   CLOUD,AWS,DOCKER,AWS ECR     2020-12-13 04:12:26

  How Do I Enable Remote Access To MySQL Database Server?

By default remote access to MySQL database server is disabled for security reasons. However, some time you need to provide remote access to database server from home or a web server. If you want to remotely access to the database server from the web server or home, follow this quick tutorial.MySQL Remote AccessYou need type the following commands which will allow remote connections.Step # 1: Login Using SSH (if server is outside your data center)First, login over ssh to remote MySQL database ser...

   MySQL,Remote access,Enable,Host or webdomain     2011-10-31 00:31:41

  Permutation algorithm with JavaScript

In secondary school, we have learned permutation. Basically, for n numbers, the number of permutations for these n numbers can be calculated to n! which is called 'n factorial'. But to display all the permutations on the screen, we need to use a recursive function. The problem is how to write this function.  Next I write a program to display the permutations for n numbers with JavaScript. First, we need to understand that from these n numbers, we can first take any one number from it, and t...

   JavaScript,Permutation,Algorithm,Impleme     2011-09-21 12:02:35

  4 ways to obtain access token in OAuth 2.0

OAuth 2.0 is an authorization mechanism, it's ,mainly used for issuing access token. There are 4 ways to obtain access token as per RFC 6749. Authorization code Implicit Password Client credentials The third party application must obtain a client id and client secret from the target service before obtaining access token no matter which method to use. This is to prevent token to be used maliciously. Authorization code With this method, the third party application must first get an authorization...

   OAUTH2,ACCESS TOKEN,REFRESH TOKEN     2019-06-29 07:12:03

  Step-by-Step Guide: How to Choose a Website Developer

A software development partner greatly affects the success and performance of your online project it is involved in. Therefore, it is so important to approach your IT partner selection with special care and responsibility. Find below the main steps and decisions you need to make in order not to fail in this business.  Step 1: Decide What Tasks the New Site Should Perform The main goal of any business (and a website) is to generate and grow profits. You shouldn't create or update a site just...

   WEBSITE DEVELOPER,WEB DESIGN     2020-08-26 03:56:41

  A Programming Idiom You've Never Heard Of

Here are some sequences of events: Take the rake out of the shed, use it to pile up the leaves in the backyard, then put the rake back in the shed. Fly to Seattle, see the sights, then fly home. Put the key in the door, open it, then take the key out of the door. Wake-up your phone, check the time, then put it back to sleep. See the pattern? You do something, then do something else, then you undo the first thing. Or more accurately, the last step is the inverse of the first. Once you're aware ...

   Programming,Idiom,Strange     2012-01-04 08:12:25

  How Kafka achieves high throughput low latency

Kafka is a message streaming system with high throughput and low latency. It is widely adopted in lots of big companies. A well configured Kafka cluster can achieve super high throughput with millions of concurrent writes. How Kafka can achieve this? This post will try to explain some technologies used by Kafka. Page cache + Disk sequential write Every time when Kafka receives a record, it will write it to disk file eventually. But if it writes to disk every time it receives a record, it would ...

   BIG DATA,KAFKA     2019-03-08 09:42:57

  Introduction to OAuth (in Plain English)

Last week we talked about giving away your passwords and how you should never do it.  When a website wants to use the services of another—such as Bitly posting to your Twitter stream—instead of asking you to share your password, they should use OAuth instead. OAuth is an authentication protocol that allows you to approve one application interacting with another on your behalf without giving away your password. This is a quick guide to illustrate, as simply as possibl...

   Security,OAuth,Permission,Partial access     2012-04-05 11:39:54

  Resolving error "SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain"

In a PHP application, cURL is frequently used to make connection to remote server to request some resource. It can be used to transfer data with different protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP etc. While using cURL in PHP, someone may get an error with message similar to "SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain". This may happen when cURL tries to make a SSL connection server and the server returns a server certificate which is self-signed and it's not trusted by the c...

   PHP,SSL,CURL,TWILIO     2016-06-26 07:17:23

  How to reset root password in MySQL 8

The user password in MySQL is stored in the user table, the password reset is actually to change the value of record in this table. To change the password in case the password is forgotten, the idea is to bypass the authentication of MySQL and get into the system and update the record password value with SQL command. In MySQL 5, one can start MySQL service with --skip-grant-tables option, this option will tell the service to skip loading the grant tables when starting, hence the root user can lo...

   MYSQL,PASSWORD,MYSQL 8     2018-12-24 21:27:13